Hi, I’m Vicky, a successful business owner, affiliate and digital marketer.

My career has given me extraordinary experiences in the digital marketing world. My passion is health and wealth creation and that is where my focus is.

I create wealth through using my skills from the last 30 years in business and investing in professional training to expedite my learning.


I am an affiliate marketing expert for some of the top brands in the world. I only promote products and services that I have personally used or I believe in. My whole life I have struggled with health and my mom was very influential in my love for healing naturally. I react from many drugs, that have caused more issues than good, so I take a very wholistic and natural approach to maintaining good health. I believe God provided everything in nature to heal our bodies. People are surprised that I am in my 50’s. I’m very mindful about what I put in my body, I see fitness as a priority (even though I have a love/hate relationship with it), and getting adequate quality sleep. So I share products that promote good health.

My 3 pillars to truly loving your life (other than centering it with God) is 1: Health & Fitness, 2: Wealth creation – preferrably passive so it gives you time and money, and 3: Healthy relationships in all areas of your life. Sometimes that includes letting go of bad relationships.


There are some incredible things I have learned that have built wealth for me. I want to share with you some of the courses I have done that have helped me create wealth. I have spent tens of thousands on courses but these are my tops picks for gaining wealth.


1) The Amazing Selling Machine – How to create a successful Amazon FBA business – CLICK HERE
2) The Plan by Dan Hollings – Crypto trading – fully automated bot trading – CLICK HERE
3) Market Gauge with Michele Schneider – Stock trading/day trading, Crypto Trading & Asset Managment – CLICK HERE
4) Roadmap To Riches – Digital Marketing – CLICK HERE

Without a doubt I am affiliate for and promote these courses because of the results I have realized. I have done other courses but I have not listed them because I did not see results in the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. Some of these courses are not cheap and if I don’t make my investment back within a reasonable time, I won’t advocate for them. I will continue to add to this list as I see more results in other areas. Some of these courses were intense and required absolute dedication to get off the ground but now these businesses are automated and make passive income and this is deeply rewarding to me. So it’s not for the broke and lazy. You can be lazy after you set yourself up and automate your business. One of these courses is literally an easy ‘set it’ and ‘forget it’ investment (The Plan – Dan is a software engineer genius!). This one earns me money every minute of every day and allows me to work on other businesses and activities, because I have the time to. This is what these courses have afforded me and I don’t regret spending tens of thousands on courses to get to where I am now.

I love to empower others in their effort to create passive income and be financially independent of anyone else. When you have financial freedom your decisions are different and you’re more aligned with what you truly want, because nothing is holding you back. I love my life because of it.