Beginners Wealth Course | Digital Marketing For Any Business

Please note that since the recording of this video the price for the Roadmaps Course has increased to $597

The Roadmap to Riches course has gone through some impressive updates and they have created new video lessons with the latest technology changes. This updated course is called “The Roadmap Exclusive” and will be released on Aug 16, 2024. If you purchase the Roadmap to Riches Course before Aug 23, 2024 you will be grandfathered into the Roadmap Exclusive course also. Meaning you won’t need to pay another $597. You will automatically be granted access to the updated Exclusive course plus the Roadmap to Riches Course.

This incredible course comes with amazing community support so when ever you have questions you have a wonderful community that are always ready to help. The course costs $597 but it’s worth thousands more! As of Aug 23 anyone wanting to resell the course can as an affiliate. Your referral fee is 80% on every sale you make through your referral link and 20% goes to the creators of Roadmap Exclusive for business running costs. You will find the creators Hannah and Zach to be the most amazing mentors that truly love their community.

Welcome To The Roadmap To Riches Course
Where You Can Also Earn an 80% Referral Fee on Every Sale

Launch A Self-Sustaining Business And Put It On Cruise Control

There are 2 very important distinctions here. 1) The incredibly valuable course on digital marketing called Roadmap to Riches and 2) The ability to resell and earn an 80% referral fee for every sale you make using your referral link if you choose to promote it. Most people do because the information is so valuable that it changes people’s lives. The Roadmap to Riches Course will help you set up an online business and teaches you how to fully market it – step by step.

Let’s say you’re experienced at being a wedding planner, a dog groomer, a fitness coach, a chef, or you want to start your own business and learn how to market it for massive exposure, capturing long term repeat customers. You are taught how to set up a website, drive traffic, create sales funnels, branding expansion, how to position yourself above your competitors, create digital products and all aspects of digital marketing to help your business grow. Think carefully at what you already know and are good at, or could become good at.

Start The Roadmap to Riches Digital Marketing Training Today and Learn How To Run it on Autopilot for Passive Income!

Running an Online Business is Easy...

..when you have a proven step by step guide for the greatest success. We’ve made running an online business simple and profitable. Earn a passive income that helps you live the life you want and deserve.

Creating a successful online business gives you passive income. That means making money when you sleep and play

Earn an 80% referral fee each time you sell the course

Work from Anywhere

Spend More Time with Friends and Family

Earn that New Car or Dream Home

Take that Vacation Worry Free

Live Your Best Life

♦ IMPORTANT: You Are Not Obligated To Sell This Training. ♦

This Training Is Applicable For Anyone Wanting To Start A Digital Business—Or To Scale Their Original Offline/Online Business No Matter What The Product Or Service Is That You Sell.

Work From Anywhere & Start A Successful Digital Marketing Business Today!

Our mission is to make the online space easier for people to enter and create a growing business model that fits your short and long term financial goals. Get out of debt and thrive.


I am a first time mom to a 4 month old and I have a legal background- I’m very analytical and not techy. So, when I joined this course, I was so worried I made a mistake because of all the marketing tech involved (I had no clue what a funnel even was). But wow, I was so wrong! The step by step videos were exactly what I needed! As I watched the videos, I would pause after every step and do exactly as the video explained on my own funnel. So so helpful for someone like me who needs everything broken down to the very last detail. I got my funnel up and running in one weekend (between nap times) and made my first sale 3 weeks later! That sale paid for our portion of my hospital bill for giving birth back in March! I can’t express how thankful I am for this course and everything I’ve learned- I feel like a marketing pro now!

Brianna C.

Should have done this weeks ago🤦🏻‍♀️ but here is my testimonial free for anyone and everyone to use(: Master Resell Rights changed my live in so many ways!!

If you are thinking about purchasing the Roadmap course to Riches, do not hesitate! Cannot express into words how much knowledge and value there is within this course, and don’t even get me started on how amazing the community is.. Both the course and the community is absolutely unmatched and gives you all the tools you need for success. After following the steps of the course and the help from my mentor I was able to make my first 2 sales in the first day launched my website! Like what?? And I have only continued to grow my business since. I continue to use the information within this course for both my Tiktok accounts & my life is forever changed because of this course!

Abby C.

Life-Changing Course and Thriving Business

Enrolling in this course has been a game-changer for me. It has taught me how to run a successful business, establish my own thriving funnel building business, and offer business coaching services. The knowledge and skills I gained from this course have transformed my life and career.

What sets this course apart is its incredible community. Being surrounded by like-minded individuals who understand and celebrate my journey has taken it to a whole new level. I even met my new best friend through this community, and we talk every day. The support and connections I’ve found here are invaluable.

Thanks to this course and its supportive community, I’ve turned my passion into a thriving business. It has truly changed the game for me, and I wake up every day with excitement and purpose.

Heather W.

Benefits to Digital Marketing

Here are some digital marketing benefits that can contribute to generating passive income:

  1. Affiliate Marketing: By promoting other companies’ products or services through your website or social media, you can earn a commission for each sale generated through your unique affiliate links.
  2. Ebooks and Online Courses: Creating and selling ebooks or online courses on platforms like Stan Store, Etsy, Amazon, Udemy, your website, Skool, Kajabi or Teachable allows you to earn money from your expertise on an ongoing basis.
  3. Membership Sites: Developing a membership site that offers exclusive content, resources, or a community for a recurring fee can generate consistent passive income.
  4. Subscription Boxes: Curating subscription boxes with products related to a specific niche or theme can provide a steady stream of income from subscribers.
  5. Stock Photography/Videos: If you’re a photographer or videographer, selling your work on stock media platforms allows you to earn royalties each time someone purchases your content.
  6. Print on Demand: Design and sell custom merchandise (t-shirts, mugs, phone cases) through print-on-demand services, earning a portion of each sale without managing inventory.
  7. Automated Webinars: Hosting automated webinars that showcase your products or services allows you to engage potential customers and generate sales while you’re not actively presenting.
  8. YouTube Channel: Monetize your YouTube channel through ads, sponsorships, and merchandise, generating revenue from views and engagement even when you’re not creating new content.
  9. Blogging and Ad Revenue: With a popular blog, you can earn passive income through ad networks like Google AdSense, as you earn money from ad clicks and impressions.
  10. Digital Products: Design and sell digital templates, design assets, or software tools that provide ongoing value to buyers.
  11. Automated Email Campaigns: Set up automated email sequences that nurture leads and encourage sales over time, even when you’re not actively sending emails.
  12. Lead Generation Sites: Create niche websites that generate leads for local businesses, earning a commission for every qualified lead generated.
  13. Niche Blogs: Focus on a specific niche and create a blog with quality content that attracts a steady stream of organic traffic, leading to affiliate commissions and ad revenue.
  14. Royalty-based Content: If you’re a content creator, you can earn royalties from platforms that distribute your music, videos, or other creative work to various channels.
  15. Amazon Kindle Publishing: Self-publishing books on Amazon Kindle allows you to earn passive income from book sales.

Remember, while passive income streams can be lucrative, they often require upfront effort to set up and maintain. Success in generating passive income through digital marketing requires consistent quality, marketing efforts, and a deep understanding of your target audience’s needs and preferences.


What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing refers to the use of digital channels and platforms to promote products, services, or brands to a target audience. It encompasses various online strategies to engage and convert customers.

What Is the Roadmap To Riches?

It is our comprehensive Digital Marketing Training Program that provides thorough training on marketing your own digital product, covering everything from the basics to advanced strategies. We’ll guide you through building your own sales process with, helping you find the best ways to drive sales and optimize your process.

You’ll also receive training on email marketing, Resell Rights, brand development, content strategy, SEO, and cultivating a success-focused mindset. We’ll even show you platforms to market, and tools to use to maximize your success.
Our course also includes raw footage of building a brand from scratch and recorded community Zoom calls covering various topics. And if you choose to sell this training course, you’ll have full Resell Rights, allowing you to sell this exact course, if you want to (and all its lifetime benefits) at any price point you choose!
As the cherry on top, you’ll also gain lifetime access to our growing community of thousands, ongoing training courses, and I’ll always be available to help support you on your journey.
What I Will Get?
This is a fully sustainable program that includes everything you’ll need to be successful, including a comprehensive digital product and marketing training course, an engaging community of like-minded business professionals, rights to refer others to the course and earn 80% referral fee from every sale you make.

Is the Training Easy to Follow?

Absolutely. This exclusive offer not only includes everything you’ll need to develop passive income; we’ll also show you how to utilize the tools and market on different platforms to maximize your success!

Training even includes lifetime access to our growing community and ongoing courses, as well as live zooms and training calls to support your journey.
How Do I Make 80% on every sale of the course?
This course allows you to sell it to others and earn 80% commission on each sale when someone uses your unique referral link! You purchase a digital product ONE time and then have the ability to sell it to others at a huge commission! You do not have to create the digital product because it’s been created for you.
What is the Community Like?
We’re a fully supportive, client-center community ready to answer questions, cheer on each other’s successes, and help guide you every step of the way. Many of our members are reaching up to 10k in sales in just their first couple of months!

This course helps you build a brand from scratch and whatever is not covered in our existing content or within the community will be covered in community Zoom calls covering questions and topics you’re all curious about!
Can I Add My Customers to Our Community?
YES. You and your customers will have full access to the training and community. The community is the original one that started back in February 2023 and has grown to tens of thousands of members. You’ll have all of the help you need to answer any question you or your customers may have.
Are There Any Hidden Fees or Upsells?
No added fees or upsells.
Do I Have to Sell the Digital Product?
ABSOLUTELY NOT. This is completely customized to you. Some people purchase it just to gain knowledge from the training for their existing business or to create one, while others use the knowledge and resell it for a commission. You are taught high income skills to make money online that can be applied to any business.
How does affiliate marketing work?

Affiliate marketing involves four main parties: the merchant (product/service owner), the affiliate (promoter), the customer, and the affiliate network or platform. The affiliate promotes the merchant’s products/services using unique referral links. When a customer clicks on the link and makes a purchase or completes a desired action, the affiliate earns a commission.

How much money can I make as an affiliate marketer?

The earning potential in affiliate marketing varies widely. It depends on factors such as the commission rate, the product’s price point, the affiliate’s promotional strategies, and the size and engagement of their audience or promotions they run. Some affiliates make a few hundred dollars per month, while others earn substantial six or seven-figure incomes. Consistency, effort, and strategic marketing play key roles in determining earnings.

Are there any costs involved in affiliate marketing?

While affiliate marketing can be a low-cost business model, there are some potential costs to consider:

a) Website hosting and domain registration (if you choose to have a website).

b) Content creation, such as hiring writers or creating videos. 3

c) Paid advertising, if you decide to invest in advertising campaigns.

d) Marketing tools and software (optional but can help streamline your efforts).

It’s important to start with a budget and carefully assess your expenses as you scale your affiliate marketing business.

How do I track my affiliate sales and earnings?

Most affiliate programs provide affiliates with a dashboard or reporting interface to track their sales and earnings. This allows you to monitor clicks, conversions, and commissions generated through your affiliate links. Additionally, using tracking tools like Google Analytics or third-party affiliate management platforms can provide more in-depth tracking and analytics for your affiliate campaigns.

How long does it take to see results in affiliate marketing?

The timeline for seeing results in affiliate marketing can vary. It depends on factors such as your niche, marketing efforts, audience size, and the quality of your content. Generally, it takes time to build an audience, establish trust, and generate consistent sales. Some affiliates may start earning within a few months, while others may take a year or more. Patience, consistency, and continuous improvement are key to achieving success.

How long does it take to see results in affiliate marketing?

The timeline for seeing results in affiliate marketing can vary. It depends on factors such as your niche, marketing efforts, audience size, and the quality of your content. Generally, it takes time to build an audience, establish trust, and generate consistent sales. Some affiliates may start earning within a few months, while others may take a year or more. Patience, consistency, and continuous improvement are key to achieving success.

Is affiliate marketing suitable for beginners?

Yes, affiliate marketing can be a suitable business model for beginners. It has a low entry barrier, doesn’t require product creation or inventory management, and allows you to leverage existing products/services. However, like any other business venture, it requires dedication, continuous learning, and a willingness to adapt to the evolving industry trends. Starting with a niche you’re passionate about can make the learning process more enjoyable and increase your chances of long-term success.

Why is digital marketing important?

Digital marketing allows businesses to reach a wider audience, track and analyze their marketing efforts, personalize campaigns, and achieve higher ROI compared to traditional marketing methods.

What are the key components of digital marketing?

Digital marketing includes components such as search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, affiliate marketing, and more.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a target audience. This can include blog posts, videos, infographics, and more.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a target audience. This can include blog posts, videos, infographics, and more.